It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!

Step 1: Call

The Phone Call

  • You call REASON at 828-403-3675 and leave a message. You must be a Burke County resident to participate.
  • A REASON Careline volunteer returns your call to gather information and start the application process. 
  • During the call, the volunteer will set up a time for you to meet in person to complete registration. The volunteer will tell you which documents to bring with you.

Step 2: Register

The Registration

  • You meet the REASON volunteers in Morganton at your scheduled time.
  • You show your proof of income and of Burke County residency.
  • You sign a Consent to Participate form.
  • You pay your copayment for the surgery.

Step 3: Go

The Surgery

  • A REASON volunteer schedules your pet’s appointment for surgery with a local vet clinic.
  • The volunteer notifies you of the date and time for the surgery and tells you the location of the vet clinic. 
  • You take your pet for the spay/neuter surgery. 

You have now become part of the solution!

Note: We also assist with compliance of the regulatory standard concerning mandatory rabies vaccinations. Eighty-two percent of the total surgeries completed are administered a rabies vaccination.